About AeA, Advancing the Business of Technology...The AeA is the only trade association representing the diverse interests of the most innovative high-tech companies in the world. Our unique national grassroots structure and overseas presence is not found in any other high-tech industry association. More than 3,700 member companies from every sector of the high-tech industry have discovered the value of AeA membership. From business issue advocacy to staff training and education, virtually everything AeA does directly or indirectly impacts your company's profitability. For more detailed information on how AeA, the world's leading high-tech industry association can benefit your company, contact Bruce Murray, director of membership development, at bruce-murray@aeanet.org or (425) 497 -1707.
...and the Washington Council Representing member companies in the states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Washington and Wyoming, the Washington Council of AeA provides a broad scope of services ranging from state public policy advocacy to educational and networking opportunities. Armed with an agenda developed by our members and focused on industry needs, the Washington Council actively advocates for the high-tech industry regarding issues such as workforce development, and maintaining a healthy tax and regulatory environment for continued industry growth. Our industry members also develop AeA's educational and networking agendas. Covering a wide range of topics from human resources, business development and finance to product quality and engineering, we are committed to pursuing the business issues that are of greatest interest to our members and the high-tech community. Ultimately, everything AeA does impacts your bottom line. To add your voice to the numerous industry leaders creating the future of the high-tech industry in our region, contact Bruce Murray at bruce-murray@aeanet.org or ( 425) 497 -1707. AeA Techline Magazine, Northwest Edition, Fall 2001 |