"Outsourcing Strategy for Medical Devices"
September 11, 2018
Medical Device Summit
Cascadia College
Moblus Hall
Bothell, WA
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to take a moment today and thank you all so much for your participation in yesterday’s Medical Device Summit. The Strategic Outsourcing panel discussion was engaging, informative and filled with excellent advise for a broad spectrum of attendees. I saw a lot of note taking and head nodding while you all were all up there on stage.
On a personal level, I am thankful to have met each of you. I am certain that I will be reaching out in the future as we consider outsourcing opportunities for some of our products and subassemblies at my company. I have learned so much from our many individual and group conversations and, with your help, I am determined to avoid the mistakes we have made in the past!
Thank you again for agreeing to be a part of the panel and for making the 2018 Summit a success!
--- Summit Panels Leader